Category Archives: Stairlifts

How to Tell if Your Stairlift Needs Repair or Service

Stairlifts are incredibly useful devices that enhance mobility and independence for individuals with mobility challenges. However, just like any other mechanical device, stairlifts may require occasional repair or service to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Most stairlift problems can be easily resolved, but it is crucial to identify when your stairlift needs attention to prevent […]

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Best Stairlifts of 2023: A Guide

Stairlifts have become an essential addition to countless homes, offering a newfound sense of mobility and independence to individuals with limited mobility. The market is brimming with options, making it crucial to choose the right stairlift that suits your specific needs. To help you make an informed decision, we’re going to explore some of the […]

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How And When To Maintain Your Stairlift

How And When To Maintain Your Stairlift Whether your stairlift is brand new or you’ve had it for a while, you’ll need to maintain it regularly in order to ensure that it lasts as long as possible. There are a number of simple maintenance tasks that you can do to help your stairlift stay in […]

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Signs That It’s Time For A Stairlift

Signs That It’s Time For A Stairlift Having a stairlift fitted can be a hugely beneficial way to make life a little easier for the elderly. With so many people aging in place, it is important to ensure that they are still able to enjoy the independence of their home, even when it comes to […]

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How to Prolong the Life of Your Stair Lift

Stair life maintenance is important if you have one in your home. Limited mobility can become a real thing for people as they age, or if they have physical disabilities. But, with stair lifts comes maintenance. To extend a stair lift’s life and ensure the mobility aid stays functional, ensure you follow these tips. Tips for Maintaining Stair Lifts If […]

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